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EI曲げ剛性プロファイル特性(EI Bend Profile Signature)|Golf Shaft Reviews



EI Bend Profile Signature | Golf Shaft Reviews 2019 by Russ Ryden


KBSアイアンシャフトがポイントポイントで硬さが変化していることについて,Kim Braly がプレゼンをしているのをしばし目にしていることだろう。このコンセプトは実際,曲げ剛性プロファイル(EIプロファイル)の一階微分だ。最初に Kim Braly と会ったときに,これを教えてもらった。Kim は自らのシャフト設計を,完璧な鞭で,バットからティップにかけて一様に硬さを緩めていると語っている。私はそれを,私のソフトウェア内で「プロファイル特性(profile signature)」と名付けた。これは教科書的な数学だ。そして長年に渡ってゴルフシャフトのEIプロファイルとその一階微分を見てきて明らかになったのは,一流のゴルフシャフト設計者たちは,EIプロファイルだけでなくその一階微分にも細かい注意を払っているということだ。*1



このチャートを作ったときに私は数学を理解していたなどと思わないでほしい。このアイデアは Kim Braly がくれたものだ。最初に会ったとき彼はこう言った。EIは新しいものではなく,1930年代からあったものだ。彼は自身最初のEI計測器を,デスクに穴を開けて作った。OK,それがどこで働くか私には分かる。彼が言ったのは,注視すべきはシャフトに沿った硬さの変化だということだ。*3


下の左側のチャートは,2013年の三菱 Diamana B,つまり第3世代の Blue Board(青マナ)のEIプロファイルを示している。それぞれのシャフトの硬さは異なっている。右のチャートは,硬さの変化を見ている。硬さの絶対値はなく,各モデルがどう曲がるかを理解することだけが残されている。各シャフトは基本的に同じ曲げ剛性である。重量やフレックスが違っていたとしても。*5



このサイトを通じて,EIプロファイル特性が設計の違いを浮き彫りにして説明するのに用いられれているのを目にするだろう。この観点からシャフトを長年見てきて,キックポイントや曲げ剛性といった用語は,どんどん意味をなさなくなってきた。実際,尋ねられた質問に対する研究を行なっている最中,Total Clubfitting in the 21st Century でこのような言葉を見つけた。2007年に Dynacraft から出版されたものだ。「さらに,曲げ剛性とキックポイントがボールの弾道に与える影響は限定的であると考えられる」。第7章,92ページ。*7


シャフトの基礎知識 by Golf Shaft Reviews

*1:You will often see Kim Braly making presentations about the change of stiffness from point to point down KBS iron shafts. This concept is in fact the first derivative of the EI profile. It was taught to me by Kim Braly when we first met. Kim describes his shaft designs as a perfect whip, uniformly loosing stiffness from point to point, butt to tip. I named it profile signature in my software. It is text book math. And after many years of looking at golf shaft EI profiles and the first derivative of those profiles it is apparent that a great many of the top golf shaft designers pay close attention not only to EI profiles but also to the first derivative of the EI profile.

*2:In this illustration of the KBS C Tour shaft the EI profile is shown next to the Bend Profile Signature of the shafts. You can see how the bend profile signature graphic magnifies the bend profile of the shaft. My math savvy friends looked at this and said, oh, you plotted the first derivative, the change in Y with respect to X, or in this case, how much stiffness changes inch by inch, down the shaft.

*3:Don’t assume I understood the math when I created this chart, the idea for this came to me from Kim Braly. He told me in our first meeting, EI is not new, it has been around since the 30’s. He built his first EI instrument by cutting a hole in a desk. Ok, I can see where that would work. He said what you need to focus on is change of stiffness down the shaft.

*4:My signature chart, the first derivative, is just that. How much does the shaft stiffness change from point to point down the shaft. It is actually the inch by inch slope down the shaft. Stiffness is removed, only the change of stiffness is shown. This is, perhaps, the most important metric for shaft fitting. However, I have never seen it outside of my software. But when you look at charts like the one below, you know the great shaft designers are looking at it.

*5:The graph on the left shows the EI profiles of the 2013 Mitusbishi Diamana B, the third generation of the Blue Board design. Each shaft has a different stiffness. The illustration on the right charts each of these shafts by showing change of stiffness from point to point. The absolute stiffness is removed and what is left is an understanding of how the model bends. Each of the shafts has essentially the same bend profile despite the fact that they are different weights and flexes.

*6:By comparing shafts with this graphic a club fitter can easily understand the differences between shafts that would otherwise be clouded by weight and flex differences. And by looking at the uniformity of all of the weights and flexes of a model, can quickly see if and when the designer changed the bend profile. This often happens with different weights of a model.

*7:Throughout this site you will see EI bend profile signatures used to highlight and explain differences in designs. Having spent years looking at shafts from this perspective terms like kick point or bend point have come to have little meaning. In fact while doing research for a question I was asked, I found this quote in Total Clubfitting in the 21st Century. My copy was published by Dynacraft in 2007. “Additionally, the effect of bend point and kick point on ball flight now is considered marginal.” Chapter 7, page 92.

*8:We often see shafts with multiple hinges or knees for want of a better word. By knowing the bend signature of a shaft and getting feedback about feel from the golfer, an elite fitter understands how a shaft will feel as well as how it will shape ball flight.