
I want to be a window through which Japanese golfers can see what’s happening outside. TPI G2/P2.

ゴルフの英語を覚えよう。Hit a shot !

英辞郎で「hit shot」って検索したら,いろんなゴルフの表現が出てきた。

  • hit a shot|ショットする|<> hit [make, play] a shot
  • hit a shot close to the pin|ピン側につける|<> hit [plant] a shot close [dead] to the pin
  • hit a shot fat|ダフる◆ボールの手前の地面を打つミスショット|<> hit a ball [shot] fat
  • hit a shot high|ボールを高く打つ
  • hit a shot on the green|グリーンにのせる|<> hit [get, land] a ball [shot] on the green
  • hit a shot out of bounds|OBを出す,OBを打つ|<> drive [hit] (a ball [shot]) out of bounds
  • hit a shot over the pond|池越えのショットを打つ|<> hit [make, drive] a shot over the pond
  • hit a shot thin|トップする|<> hit a ball [shot] thin
  • hit a shot with a __-iron|_番アイアンで打つ|<> hit a ball [shot] with a [one's] __-iron
  • hit a shot with a __-wood|_番ウッドで打つ|<> hit a ball [shot] with a [one's] __-wood
  • hit one's shot about __ feet below the cup|カップの下約_フィートにつける|
  • hit pitch-and-run shot|ピッチ・エンド・ランを打つ|<> hit [make, play] pitch-and-run (shot)
  • hit the shot over the green|グリーンをオーバーさせる|<> hit the ball [shot] over the green
  • powerful arm to hit tee shot __ yards|_ヤードのティーショットを打てる力強い腕
  • hit a big shot|飛ばす,ロング・ショットを打つ|<> hit a big ball [shot]
  • hit a chip shot|チップショットをする|<> hit [make, play, use] a chip shot
  • hit a fat shot|ダフる
  • hit a high shot|ボールを高く打つ|<> hit a high ball [shot]
  • hit a lay-up shot|刻んでいく
  • hit a pitch shot|ピッチショットを打つ|<> hit [make, play] a pitch shot
  • hit a pure shot|完璧な[非の打ちどころのない]ショットを打つ
  • hit a recovery shot|リカバリー・ショットを打つ|<> hit [make, play] a recovery shot
  • hit a runup shot to|~にランニングで寄せる|<> hit [make, play] a runup shot to
  • hit an approach shot|アプローチ・ショットを打つ,寄せる|<> hit [make, play] an approach (shot)
  • hit one's approach shot to within __ feet of the cup|カップから_フィート以内に寄せる
  • hit one's first shot|ティーショットを打つ
  • hit crisp iron shots right at the pin|切れのいいアイアンショットをピンにピタリと寄せる