
I want to be a window through which Japanese golfers can see what’s happening outside. TPI G2/P2.



Kim Braly: Golf's Ebullient Genius | MyGolfSpy by John Barba, 1 July 2019










KBS(キム・ブレイリー・シグネチャー)は,FST America とのパートナーシップのもとに2008年に生まれた。ブレイリーは公式には研究開発とツアーオペレーション部門のダイレクターという肩書であり,自称頭でっかちのティーンエージャーがゴルフシャフトの聖像破壊者になる旅は,ユニークであり,魅惑的なものである。*7

「プロゴルファーになるつもりだったんだ。それが私の夢だった」と,ブレイリーは言う。「高校を飛び級して,高校在学中にペンシルベニア大学に行った。大学が始まる前の夏,PubLinx の予選でプレーして58のスコアだった。他のみんなに一周差をつけたよ」。*8




「当時,私はとにかく頭でっかちだったから,なんだ畜生,夏の最後の大会でプレーしたばっかりで,それでコーチは新入生を使わないっていうのか? だから父に話して,その代わりに夏の間ずっと旅をするのもいい考えかもな,って決めたんだ」。*11



ジョセフ・ブレイリー博士は,彼自身もゴルフの先駆者であるが,自身の DynaPhase ラインを成長させていた。思いがけない電話が息子を自宅に呼び寄せ,そしてゴルフビジネスに引き込んだ。*13


ブレイリー父の履歴書は,「最も偉大な世代の人々」レベルに印象的だ。つまり,第二次大戦と朝鮮戦争の両方で戦闘機パイロットとして戦い,それによって彼はオーバーンで獣医学と航空工学をタダで学ぶことができた。ブレイリー博士はペンシルベニアで大きな獣医であり,同時に型破りなゴルフクラブの設計もした。そこには,大型でワイドソールなサンドウェッジ Console や,最初の大衆向けチタン製アイアン DynaPhase などが含まれる。しかし,彼による画期的なゴルフシャフトの振動数マッチングの発明が,キムを連れ戻したのだ。*15




その振動数を,毎分サイクル(CPM)を単位として計測する。シャフトが硬くなるほど,振動数が増える。シャフトが軟らかくなると,その逆に振動数は減る。こんにち,GolfMechanix で振動数分析機器は600ドル未満で手に入るが,70年代後半に,これは未経験の領域だった。*18






最終的に,振動数マッチングは Royal Precision や Rifle シャフト,Project X に繋がり,そしてもうひとつのブレイリー起源のもの,つまりツアーバンに繋がる。*23



「なので,多くの変数が振動数を決めることになる」とキムは振り返る。「スイングウェイトとかホーゼルの長さとかホーゼルの深さとか全体の長さとか,いろいろ知る必要があった。千回も耳にしたのは,『True Temper はそんなにたくさんの質問をしない。どうやったらスイングウェイトなんて分かるんだ? うんぬんかんぬん』」。*26


70年代は,望むシャフトがなんでも手に入った。それが True Temper Dynamic であれば。ブレイリーは新しい地平を切り開いた。定量化できる違いによって対案を提示することで。そして間もなくして,大手が振動数マッチングの波に乗ってきた。*27

「みんなに私たちの物でプレーさせたんだ」と彼は言う。「アーニー,ジャック,レイ・フロイド。関係なかった。当時あったのは Dynamic X,S,そしてR。それがすべてだった」。*28

実際,ブレイリーがこう主張する。Dynamic Gold は,True Temper が振動数マッチングに対抗すべく出したものだと。*29

そのときまで,彼らには彼ら自身のトレーラーがあって,プレーヤーたちを自分らのブランドに取り戻そうとしてた」と彼は言う。「Gold は重量フローシャフトだ。それまで長いあいだ作っていた既存のシャフトを取り上げて,単純に重量で3つの違うカテゴリーに分けただけだ」。*30



ブレイリーによれば,和解に終わったものの,True Temper はレーベルで振動数マッチングを謳うことができなくなった。今にして思えば,とブレイリーは言う,それは True Temper にかつて起こったことの中で最良のことだっただろうと。*32

皮肉にも,ブレイリーの Project X は,現在 True Temper が所有している。*33

「Project X を多く目にするのは,それがゴルファーに選択肢を与えるからだ。そのシャフトはまたたく間に広まった。Rifleもそうであったように。それら製品はゲームチェンジャーだった。本当にそうだったんだ」。*34







過去2年のあいだ,ブレイリーはそのキャンバスにグラファイトを描き入れた。Hybrid Prototype と,TGI そして MAX のアイアンシャフトだ。*39



「85グラムのシャフトに最適なスピン量はいくらか? それは容易に答えられる質問ではないけど,データベースを探るのは簡単なことだ。だから私は,シャフトの重量ごとに最適な硬さを決めることができた。85グラムのシャフトを振る人にとって最適なのは,75グラムのシャフトなら,65,55,あるいは45グラムなら,というように。そして,最適な硬さはどれで,それに紐付けられるスイングスピードはどれだ?って」*42


KBS Max シャフトは45グラムから85グラムまで幅がある一方,TGI のラインは50グラムから110グラムまでをカバーする。ブレイリーが言うには,軽量シャフトでは,安定性を維持するにはグラファイトしかないと。*43




「軟らかいシャフトは基本的にいいフィーリングを感じられる」と彼は付け加える。「だけど,軟らかいシャフトで練習場でいいフィーリングで,トラックマンでいい数字だったとして,ゴルフコースに出てみて,いわゆるゲームコンディションではどうか? いきなり,ボールの散らばりがあちこちで現れるんだ。だって,フィーリングがいいシャフトを選んだけど,それは軟らかすぎるから。ボールが散れば,あっというまにダメになる」。*47





「KBSがあらゆるレベルの人に響いているのには,本当に驚かされる」と語るのは,ローズアイランドのトップ100クラブフィッター,Spargo Golf のオーナーである Jon Pannone だ。「すべての弾道の人に対応して,軽量シャフトから,本当に重いC-Taperまで揃っている」。*51






ブレイリーは KBS Tour-V を,フィル・ミケルソンのために作った。ボールの散らばりが頭にあった。*56

「彼はずっと Project X を使っていて,そして KBS Tour で偉大が成績を残した」とブレイリーは言う。「Whisper Rock で最高のラウンドをして,何か災害級のことが起こらないと,このシャフトからは替えないよって私に言うんだ。そう,彼はトーリーパインズで予選落ちをした」。*57


「Tour-V は基本的にTourと同じだけど,遥かに硬いプロファイルになっている。ティップからすぐに硬くなって,バットからもずっと硬いままだ。それは低スピンなTourなんだ。Tourが合ってるよとフィルに言ったことは一度もなかった。だって合ってなかったから。彼はTourをねじ伏せていたんだ」。*58

「彼が言うには,Project X の球の散りは毛布の上にボールを打つみたいだって。だけど Tour V での球の散りだと,かごに入れられるかもねって」。*59









ちょうど先月,KBSはシャフトメーカーとしては本当にユニークなことを行なった。一般人向けの独自のフィッティングスタジオを,カールスバッドに開設したのだ。その KBS Golf Shaft Experience は,ラウンジから小売エリアからシミュレーターからメディアセンターまである,すべてを兼ね備えたフィッティングセンターだ。*66








*1:Real genius is the ability to see, think of and create something no one has ever seen, thought of or created before – something that knocks the status quo on its ass and into the scrap heap of history

*2:Genius proclaims this, my friends, is how it’s going to be done from now on.

*3:Every time you swing a golf club, it’s likely your shaft’s DNA can be traced to Kim Braly, who – along with his father – revolutionized the way golf shafts are made, measured and categorized. It’s no stretch to say Kim Braly – the KB in KBS Shafts – changed the way golf is played.

*4:At 62, Kim Braly still brims with energy, and a 60-minute conversation becomes a Kerouac-esque stream of consciousness adventure, during which you’ll learn more about golf shafts than you ever thought possible.

*5:And you’ll have a hell of a good time doing it.

*6:“I’m not just trying to develop product, I’m trying to develop great product,” Braly tells MyGolfSpy. “I’m trying to be a leader – I don’t want to be me too. I want to have the best damn thing out there.”

*7:KBS – Kim Braly Signature, for those scoring at home – launched in 2008 in partnership with FST America. Braly is officially listed as Director of Research and Development and Tour Operations, and his journey from self-described big-headed teenager to golf shaft iconoclast is as unique as it is fascinating.

*8:“I was going to be a golf pro – that was my dream,” says Braly. “I graduated from high school early and actually went to the University of Pennsylvania while still in high school. The summer before college, I played in a PubLinx qualifier and shot a 58. I just lapped everybody.”

*9:Unfortunately – or fortunately, for shaft aficionados – Braly wound up getting disqualified.

*10:“I was disqualified because I was a member of a country club, but I looked around, and I was not nearly the only one. Anyway, not long after that, I got a call from the coach at the University, and he told me they don’t start freshmen.”

*11:“At that point, I had a pretty big head, so I’m like damn, I just played in the last golf tournament of the summer, and now the coach is telling me I can’t play as a freshman? So, I talked to my Dad and decided it might be a good idea to travel for the rest of the summer, instead.”

*12:That rest-of-the-summer journey lasted four years.

*13:Dr. Joseph Braly – a golf pioneer in his own right – was growing his DynaPhase equipment line at the time. A fortuitous phone call brought his son back home and into the golf business.

*14:“I was living in South America at the time,” says Kim. “He called me and said it was time to stop contemplating my navel, come on home and go to work.”

*15:The elder Braly’s resume is Greatest Generation-level impressive: a fighter pilot in both WWII and Korea, which earned him a free ride at Auburn for veterinary medicine and aeronautical engineering. Dr. Braly was a large animal vet in Pennsylvania and also designed mold-breaking golf clubs, including the Console – an oversized, wide-soled sand wedge – and DynaPhase, the first mass-marketed irons made with titanium. But it was his landmark invention of Frequency Matching for golf shafts that brought Kim back.

*16:“He had just invented Frequency Matching, but hadn’t figured out how to implement it, if you know what I’m saying,” explains Kim. “He designed a method for sorting shafts according to stiffness with a frequency machine, and I had to figure out a way to develop a method to actually utilize it. In those days, it wasn’t something you could just look up. Today you can Google anything you want, but back then you went to the library.”

*17:One could write a book on Frequency Matching, but here’s the Reader’s Digest version: it’s a quantitative measurement of shaft stiffness based on the rate of oscillation within a known unit of time. In plain English, the butt end of a shaft is clamped, and a weight is attached to the head end. The head end is then pulled down and let go, and the shaft oscillates.

*18:The rate of oscillation is measured in cycles per minute (CPM). The stiffer the shaft, the faster the rate of oscillation; the more flexible the shaft, the slower. Today, GolfMechanix can sell you a Frequency Analyzer for under $600, but in the late ’70s, this was virgin territory.

*19:Both the elder Braly and Dunlop Golf – U.K. pioneered Frequency Matching. Dunlop patented a uniform flex progression from club to club within a single set, while Braly patented the method of turning shaft blanks into a matched set (essentially a 4 CPM iron-to-iron progression within a set), which ultimately revolutionized steel shaft design Kim had to get it all on paper and figure out a way to actually use it.

*20:“Hey listen, this has probably happened a thousand times to you,” says Kim. “You start a project and say ‘aww, that’s going to be a piece of cake.’ Well, you start, and all of a sudden you find out everything you assumed is not correct, and how things are planned and how they turn out are very, very different.”

*21:Kim practically lived in the library, searching for anything he could find on golf shafts. “There was quite a bit on hickory, but no steel whatsoever,” he says. With zippo as a starting point, Kim literally wrote the book on measuring frequency and how to match a set.

*22:“I don’t know if you ever saw that circular slide rule,” he says. “That was my very first patent. It’s the type you’d use in aerodynamics – if you had seen the earliest version of it you would’ve have gone crazy. I didn’t extrapolate anything. I measured every single point that’s on that thing, and there must have been a bazillion of them.”

*23:Ultimately, Frequency Matching led to Royal Precision, the Rifle shaft, Project X, and another Braly first: the Tour van.

*24:“When my Dad started traveling the Tour, he needed me to help explain what we can do, what our limits were, those types of things,” says Kim. “He was the type of guy that didn’t like you to not have an answer, and it better be correct.”

*25:Since Frequency Matching was a completely new concept, fitting would often bog down in a swamp of specifics.

*26:“So many variables would determine that frequency number,” recalls Kim. “We needed to know swing weight, hosel length, hosel depth, overall length. I must have heard a thousand times ‘True Temper doesn’t ask all these questions. How do I know what the swing weight is? Blah, blah blah.’”

*27:In the 70’s you could have any shaft you wanted, as long as it was a True Temper Dynamic. The Braly’s broke new ground by providing an alternative with a quantifiable difference, and it didn’t take long for big names to catch the Frequency Matching wave.

*28:“We had everybody playing our stuff,” he says. “Arnie, Jack, Ray Floyd – it didn’t matter. At that time, they had Dynamic X, S, and R, and that was it.”

*29:In fact, Braly asserts the Dynamic Gold was True Temper’s attempt to combat Frequency Matching.

*30:“By that time, they had their own trailer and were trying to get guys to come back to their brand,” he says. “The Gold is a weight sorted shaft. They took their existing shaft they’d been making for a long time and simply weighted it into three different categories.”

*31:“Weight sorting is a good thing, but they chose to call that Frequency Matching. They came out with a little black and gold label on their shafts that said Frequency Matched. Our Precision labels were also black and gold, so we, of course, sued them.”

*32:According to Braly, the two sides settled, but True Temper wasn’t able to put Frequency Matched on their labels anymore. In retrospect, says Braly, it was the best thing that ever happened to True Temper.

*33:Ironically, Braly’s Project X is now owned by True Temper.

*34:“The reason you see a lot of Project X is it gives golfers a choice. That shaft took off like nobody’s business, just like the Rifle took off. Those products were game changers; they really were.”

*35:Where you and I see a launch and spin chart for shafts, Braly sees a canvas that needs to be filled.

*36:“I use a few formulas I developed myself to ensure I design as efficient of a product as possible,” he says. “Once I get past that, things don’t get easy, but they do get a lot more manageable.”

*37:Early on, KBS developed a reputation for focusing on better players, a rep Braly doesn’t dispute.

*38:“I’m sorry, I don’t know how to design stuff for bad golfers,” he admits. “I’ve never designed a product for a bad golfer, I’ve never designed a product for an average golfer. I’ve always designed for a Tour player and worked down.”

*39:Over the past two years, Braly has added graphite to his canvas, with the Hybrid Prototype and the TGI and MAX iron shafts.

*40:“The MAX is based on swing speed. I don’t know any other way to do it,” he says. “I work in the best golf shop in the world – we have machinery here that measures stuff that’ll just blow your mind. We have tons of data and records from fittings – I know their swing speed, their tempo, and how they approach hitting the ball.”

*41:Braly broke down fitting data collected over the years from repeat customers (“There are so many people who buy a new set every year, you wouldn’t believe it,” he says), and used that data to determine optimum spin rates for lightweight shafts.

*42:“What’s the optimum spin rate for an 85-gram shaft? That’s not an easy question to answer, but it is fairly easy to research the database. So I was able to determine the optimum stiffness for a person swinging an 85-gram shaft, a 75-gram shaft, or 65, 55 or 45 – what’s the optimum stiffness and what swing speed relates to that?”

*43:KBS Max shafts range from 45- to 85-grams, while the TGI line runs from 50- to 110-grams. Braly says at lighter weights, graphite is the only way to maintain stability.

*44:“With steel, in order to get lower than 90-grams the wall thickness is so thin it isn’t even funny,” he says. “We can obtain stiffness by increasing the O.D. That’s what drives stiffness in anything – golf shafts, street poles, ship masts – O.D. is where it’s at.”

*45:Braly has long preached a golfer should play as stiff a shaft as he or she can load and unload. In our conversation, he added some clarification.

*46:“That’s provided you have clubhead speed. If you don’t, it’s better to do the opposite – be a little bit softer. But as far as I’m concerned, if you don’t get fit, you’re crazy.”

*47:“Soft shafts generally feel good to people,” he adds. “But take a soft shaft that feels great on the practice tee with good Trackman numbers out on the golf course under what you’d call game conditions? All of a sudden, they find dispersion is all over the place because they chose a shaft that feels good but is way too soft. Dispersion goes to hell in a handbasket.”

*48:“For the stronger player – not necessarily better, just stronger – we recommend if anything be on the stiffer side. What worked on the practice tee isn’t going to work on the course because it’s not stiff enough. For weaker players, I recommend erring on the soft side.”

*49:The canvas thing is working for KBS: Braly says KBS is the number one iron shaft at most major custom club fitting shops.

*50:“They’re not fitting people into our shafts because they like me,” he says. “They’re fitting into our shafts because they outperform the others.”

*51:“It’s amazing how KBS touches every handicap,” says Jon Pannone, owner of Spargo Golf – a Top 100 club fitter from Rhode Island. “The range touches all ball flights and goes from lightweight to really heavy in the C-Taper.”

*52:Pannone recently fit a longtime friend into a set of C-Tapers to help mitigate an over-the-top high spinning pull-fade.

*53:“We settled on the C-Taper in stiff based on ball speed and dispersion versus other shafts in that category,” he says. “It helped with his left-right considerably, bringing it down from 23-degrees left to right to 12-degrees left to right. He can play his game but with way more control.”

*54:Braly says he can tell his shafts by merely looking at dispersion charts.

*55:“Not 100% of the time,” he says, “but you gotta understand, I’ve been doing this a long time. Listen, man, when you see something a thousand times, it becomes pretty obvious what you’re looking at.”

*56:Braly designed the KBS Tour-V shaft specifically for Phil Mickelson, with dispersion in mind.

*57:“He had been playing Project X, and then had great success with the KBS Tour,” says Braly. “He shot his best round ever at Whisper Rock and told me something catastrophic would have to happen to get him out of that shaft. Well, he missed the cut at Torrey Pines.”

*58:“The Tour-V is basically the same as the Tour, but with a much stiffer profile. It gets really stiff quickly from the tip and stays stiff a lot longer from the butt – it’s a lower spinning Tour. I never told Phil the Tour was right for him because it’s not. He overpowers the Tour.

*59:“He said the dispersion with Project X was like hitting balls onto a blanket. But the dispersion with Tour V – you could put into a bucket.”

*60:It’s no secret one company’s Stiff is another’s X or R flex, which is why Braly repeatedly said during our talk: if you’re not getting fit, you’re crazy.

*61:“I’m not real fond of flex, but that’s the way the market is,” he explains. “X-Flex in a lightweight category is not quite as stiff as S-Flex in another category.”

*62:Braly adds that while he loves launch monitors (“They’ve sold a shitload of golf shafts for us.”), he’s not necessarily in love with them.

*63:“There’s a time to put them away. In terms of making decisions, if you’re trying to make sure you’re hitting a particular spot where you’re comfortable, it’s a fantastic machine. But I don’t think it’s something people should bring out and look at every damn shot they hit, like so many guys do today.”

*64:When it comes to equipment technology, Braly – like many others – doesn’t see a whole lot of room for growth.

*65:“In terms of quantum leaps, we’re done, buddy,” he says. “I know people were saying this long ago, but the clubs are only allowed to be so long, the ball is only allowed to go so fast. The only thing I know of that we can do to improve the game is to increase the tech in the fitting area.”

*66:Just last month KBS did something truly unique for a shaft company by opening up its own open-to-the-public fitting studio in Carlsbad. The KBS Golf Shaft Experience is a full-featured fitting center with a lounge, a retail area, simulators, and media center.

*67:Braly has been at this for over 40 years now, but at age 62 doesn’t see himself slowing down any time soon.

*68:“My Dad told me a long time ago if you’re not doing something you love you better do something else,” he says. “It’s amazing we’re able to do something that people are so passionate about. People are inquisitive, and I love it. The more people know, the better.”

*69:As much as Braly loves golf, he’s developed another passion over the years.

*70:“I think I love fishing a little better,” he laughs. “I got a state record in Alabama a few weeks ago. And I have six dogs, so between family, my pets, playing golf and finding time to fish, I’m pretty full.”

*71:As for retirement, well, to paraphrase Kerouac: there’s nowhere to go but everywhere, so keep rolling under the stars.

*72:“I certainly don’t know what I’d do if I did retire,” he says. “I love my life. I can travel when I want to, and I love to build golf shafts.”