
I want to be a window through which Japanese golfers can see what’s happening outside. TPI G2/P2.

Martin Ebert が廣野をレストアするそうな


昨年5月の記事ではありますが,日本のみならずアジアNo.1のゴルフコース,廣野を Martin Ebert がレストアするそうです。 Martin Ebert といえば「Mackenzie & Ebert」のかたちで名前を目にすることが多いですが,今の全英オープン開催コースの大半は彼らの手によって何らかの改修が加えられています。

Martin Ebert to restore Hugh Alisonʼs Japanese masterpiece by Adam Lawrence, 9 May 2018

“I was introduced to the club through a couple of Japanese guys who referee each year at the Open,” Ebert told GCA. “Later, I went over to Japan to do a Rules seminar for the JGA, and met up with some people from the club, who were aware of the work we had done at Portrush, Turnberry and so on. They had set up a restoration committee and were very keen to restore the course to something closer to Alisonʼs original design. Since then we have been back to Japan three times, culminating in a visit a few weeks ago during which we signed a contract for the project.”


“We have tracked down aerial images from 1948, 1963 and 1976,” said Ebert. “The 1948 aerial is from a very high altitude and it is difficult to make much out, but the 1963 one is very illustrative – it shows fairways much wider than today and greens much bigger. The club also holds Alisonʼs original hole and green plans; we have scaled these to superimpose them on the current aerial and also put the outlines from the 1963 image on there too.”






  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: インタ-スティトウィルゴルフ
  • 発売日: 1992/10
  • メディア: 単行本